Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Duck Patio - the Sequel

HKC2, in disgrace following the episode with the neighbour's duck, was the prime suspect in the latest murder cases in the hamlet.   The big Aylesbury drake vanished a week ago and not a single feather has been found.  The pretty mallard duck has also vanished and not a single feather found.  Everyone looked at HKC2, who looked back and never blinked.

It must have been Mr Fox.

Or maybe a passing tourist fancied duck for dinner.

Because it was the Drake who vanished, the duck eggs are obviously not going to be fertile but the trouble is, there are a dozen eggs and some of them were laid before the disappearance.  So my enterprising neighbours have removed all of them from the duck house and stuck them in the incubator in the hope that some of them will hatch.  They will 'candle' them later this week to see if embryos are present. (That's basically shining a light across the egg to show up airspace and solid non-space within the shell, the solid bits being a duck-in-waiting)

I await the verdict and so, licking his lips, does HKC2.  He could take out an adult Aylesbury but a young one still in duckling fluff is so much easier.

The neighbours will be giving their terrier the run of the place. Even Mr Fox won't tangle with that one.

HKC2, you have been warned.