Friday, 28 January 2011


The Vet's going to be busy next week.  One way or another, the puppy-procreation rate on this edge of the Moor has got to be curtailed. There are two rival culprits for the title 'Daddy Of Them All' at present: WorkingCollie from Farm A and RatterTerrier from Farm B.  So far between them they've been responsible for about fifty puppies, all of which have eventually found homes but most of which were originally unwanted, certainly by their mothers' owners and probably by the bitches themselves.  After an eye-watering nine in one litter I'm surprised that Wagtail hasn't changed her name to TailBetweenLegsAndStayingThereToDenyEntry.

WorkingCollie must've made use of his speed and stamina. He's a good, very fit sheepdog (collie/springer spaniel) and got to Wagtail one just one occasion, we reckon during his lunch hour and he lives three miles away. Yesterday he was seen in his lunch hour chasing the German Pointer bitch at Farm C and we think he must've caught her because Farmer C was grumping about humping as he took her into town to have 'An Injection' at the vet's this morning. He'll be Having Words with Farmer A about WorkingCollie.

RatterTerrier either has more freedom or better escapology techniques and he spends whole days pining outside shut-up-bitch accomodation all over this side of the Moor, only going home for supper. He's in the farmhouse all night, but come the next day he'll be straight back out again until the bitch in question goes out of season and his undying love for her suddenly drops dead and he's off home until another scent comes to him on the wind.

Both CasanovaCanines have lovely natures and the puppies they've produced - mostly of almost recognisable breeding because both dogs are snobs about having only purebred bitches - have been super. But enough is enough. Nemesis, already mentioned on this Blog, is about to strike.  RatterTerrier, unbeknown only to him, is off to the vet next week to Be Done.  He'll meet some old flames there, even though WorkingCollie beat him to the Nine-Puppy-Producing episode, because Wagtail and her purebred Springer Spaniel sister are also off to the vet to 'Be Done' next week.

WorkingCollie is looking very smug. Nobody has threatened him with a (de)bollocking.  However there is an Angry Owner at a certain property not many miles away and if he strays over there again, it won't be a shotgun wedding he'll need to be worrying about.


  1. It's either all that fine Exmoor air or something in the water!

  2. randy young pups! must have been reading 'In the spring a young mans' fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love' (Tennyson) Who'd have thought they'd be so well educated?
