Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Second Thoughts

Is this a good idea?
Who am I talking to? What should I tell you? 
Here's my plan: let's pretend you're an Old Friend who's been abroad and out of touch for a while, who wants to know about my life since we last met 30 years ago in a clandestine meeting covered by the Official Secrets Act somewhere on Vauxhall Bridge Road. 
That's it!  My Blog Name shall be 'BlogThoughts from A Broad'
I'll start by telling you about where I live now: It's a cottage at the foot of a Moorland slope on a bend in the lane by an ancient well that has never been known to dry up. This cottage is the most idiosyncratic place I've ever lived in: front door key weight, 95 grams, length 13 centimetres, age about 300 years. It won't fit on my keyring and if I lose it I'm stuffed.  'Key QuickCut' in town, who so obligingly made me a new key for the field padlock, took one look at this one and laughed.
I've been very careful not to lose this key. It goes into the lock upside down and turns the wrong way to open the door. Maybe an Australian designed it. Did they have Australians on Exmoor 300 years ago?


  1. Well done Ceka, you're talking to the world, okay me, but more will follow. :-)

  2. Hooray! Welcome to the mad, mad world of Blogging!

  3. Hi Ceka. The house I grew up in has a key that would make yours look tiny! I've seen it, but never witnessed it being used.

  4. Oh what great news: Lady Cake has a blog!

  5. just gets better, Ceka, keep going!
    (dorothyd - in case you were wondering, google insist on posting me as Antonia Woodville, I am not complaining, Antony Woodville is my hero!)

  6. Wu hayyyyyy! Congratulations part 2 Ceka !

  7. QUOTE: It goes into the lock upside down and turns the wrong way to open the door. Maybe an Australian designed it. Did they have Australians on Exmoor 300 years ago?

    Nope, we were only invented 223 years ago when the first free settlers arrived, Ceka. :)
    - IG

  8. Hey, you made it! I look forward to seeing how you develop this.
    Rob C (Eddisbury)

  9. A blog? You'll be getting a mobile phone soon!
