Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Theatre Tickets and a Light Sauce

Spent the day in Theatre at the soon to be Ex-Hospital in the local town doing a lot of box ticking.  No, not box office ticketing, more's the pity. Just ticking things off lists - mostly outside the boxes. A large proportion of my life is spent being a bit outside the box so I'm good at that sort of thing.  The Manager's Secretary and I spent HOURS going through lists of wince-makingly expensive equipment that has to be checked, validated, booked in for attention from the electronic people and generally ticked off one list and added to another, ready for The Move to the New Hospital Site next month. By the end of our session there were just two pieces of kit with question marks over them: A superduper new Reprocessor had no serial number attached to its name and an old and nearly obsolete Light Source had two. I was all for just giving the spare number to the Reprocessor but this idea was firmly rebuffed. When I've got time I'll go to the New Theatre and hunt out the missing identification. The twice-serial-numbered item was easily dealt with: we just ran the two sets of figures into each other with a hyphen between, like a double-barrelled name. It's of old and honourable lineage and deserves a posh number.  La Bosse says that it isn't used as a Light Source any more anyway, only as a spare air-leak tester.  Maybe the second number was to go with its second job.


  1. Being outside the box is good - way better than being in one!

  2. Hi ceka
    Just looking in to support your venture into regular blogdom. Not sure I followed all the nursey equipment numbering talk, but at least it'll give you stuff to write about. Cheers!

  3. Isn't it ridiculous how silly they get about stuff that probably hasn't been used for donkey's years, and let people,walk off with all sorts of stuff, no questions asked?
